Online Counseling & Therapy
The world has changed. We are a Telehealth & Online counseling-first practice. We provide excellent care with the added benefit of accessibility and convenience.
What is Telehealth Therapy?
Telehealth is a new medium to provide medical and mental health services. Telehealth appointments take place online using a secure video and audio platform. Often referred to as online counseling or online therapy, Telehealth has risen in popularity due to the ability to skip the office and take appointments from the convenience, comfort and safety of your home. All you need is a computer, phone or tablet with a mobile or wifi connection!
Mosaic Way is primarily a Telehealth Counseling Practice. We pride ourselves on helping people by providing accessible, Telehealth-enabled care.
Is Telehealth effective?
Online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy with several added benefits. According to a Meta Analysis study conducted in 2018:
“..researchers combined the results from 20 studies, which included more than 1,400 therapy patients. They found that online CBT was just as effective as in-person CBT for treating anxiety and depression.4“
What are the benefits of Telehealth?
- Just as effective as in-person therapy
- Many find Telehealth more convenient and comfortable
- Most insurance companies will cover or reimburse Telehealth sessions
- More accessible for those with busy schedules or located in remote areas
- Many find Telehealth a more approachable and acceptable form of counseling
How does Telehealth Counseling Work?
Online therapy is very similar to in-person counseling!
- Call or setup an initial (free) consult with Mosaic Way
- Fill out a few simple online forms
- Your Therapist will schedule a recurring Telehealth Session and provide the meeting link
That’s it! Nothing Complicated about it.
Does insurance cover Telehealth?
Yes, most insurances do cover Telehealth. Mosaic Way accepts HSA & FSA as well as provides the documentation for insurance reimbursement but we do not take direct payment via insurance.